Physical Therapist

Active Physical Therapy Solutions is seeking immediate employment of a well-qualified, ambitious, NYS certified physical therapist. APTS is a fast-paced, outpatient orthopedic physical therapy office with focus on manual techniques, specifically Active Release Tehcniques® (ART®). The employee will be required to begin training and certification in ART® in the first year of employment. Experienced
therapists as well as new grads are welcome.

Job type: Full-time
Healthcare setting:
◾ Outpatient
◾ Private practice
◾ Orthopedics
◾ Geriatrics
◾ Sports medicine
◾ Some evenings
◾ Monday-Friday
◾ NYS Physical Therapist license (Required), or eligible (must receive license within 6 months)
◾ CPR certification (Preferred)
◾ Paid time off
◾ Simple IRA with employer match
◾ Bonus pay
◾ Continuing education reimbursement
◾ Active Release Techniques certification employer funded
Job responsibilities:
◾ Provide physical therapy evaluations to assess a patient’s physical condition and develop a
treatment plan
◾ Carry out evidence-based treatments including but not limited to Active Release Technique®,
cupping, joint mobilization, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, kinesiotaping, IASTM, and ultrasound
◾ Develop individualized exercise programs
◾ Complete necessary documentation including progress notes and insurance requirements via EMR
◾ Collaborate with other physical therapists and delegate treatment plans to physical therapy
◾ Communicate with referring providers and identify need for additional medical referrals
◾ Evaluate patient progress and modify treatment plans as appropriate

For more information, please visit out website at
Resumes/CV can be sent to

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