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Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce
2 State Street
Auburn, NY

Downtown Parking Lots & Garage (2 hours FREE parking in the Parking Garage upper levels)
*Information for visitors regarding COVID-19 policy and procedure
Directions & Parking
From the West (Rochester): Take the New York State Thruway heading toward Albany to Exit 41 (Waterloo). At the exit, turn right onto 414 South for a short distance. At the first traffic light, turn left onto Route 318. Take Route 318 until you reach the T in the road, which is Routes 5 & 20. Turn left onto Routes 5 & 20 going east which will then take you approximately 11 miles directly into Downtown Auburn.
From the East (Syracuse): Take Route 690 West from Syracuse. Stay to the right and pick up Route 695- look for the Auburn signs. At the end of Route 695, stay to the right and merge onto Route 5 heading west toward Elbridge. Go straight through Elbridge on Route 5, which takes you directly into Auburn where Route 5 is also known as Grant Avenue and then becomes the Arterial. This leads into Downtown Auburn.
From the South (Ithaca): Take Route 34 North straight through to Auburn which will place you directly into the heart of Historic Downtown Auburn. Route 34 is also South and North Streets which intersect Genesee Street and Route 20.
From the North (Watertown): Take Route 81 South to the New York State Thruway. Follow the Thruway signs toward Buffalo. Get off at exit 40 (Weedsport). At exit turn right onto Route 34 over bridge, straight through Weedsport. Route 34 leads directly into the heart of Historic Downtown Auburn. Route 34 is also South and North Streets and intersect Genesee Street and Route 20.
On-Street & Short-Term Parking
For on-street metered & kiosk parking there is a $0.25 minimum for 20 minutes, and one hour is $1.00. Please insert bills into a nearby green parking kiosk, or coin change into your adjacent meter. You can also use Pango Mobile Parking with your cell or smart phone.
On-street spaces have a 2-hour limit. If you remain parked in the same spot longer; you risk receiving a ticket, regardless if you pay more money. If you plan to spend 2+ hours Downtown, please park in long-term spaces. Options include the City Garage on Lincoln Street across from the Equal Rights Heritage Center, and long-term lots on Dill Street, Court Street & Seminary Avenue.
Reverse Angle Parking
Backing into parking spots has been proven as safer, offering improved visibility when exiting vehicles, accessing car trunk space and exiting parking spaces. Reverse angle parking is implemented on Genesee Street between Loop Road (near Wegmans) and the Cayuga County Office Building at 160 Genesee Street. Basic steps are drive just past the open space and stop, turn on your signal, and back into the space. Please be patient and don’t follow too closely to let your fellow drivers back in.
Parking Kiosk Locations
Parking kiosks are on Genesee Street between William Street (Parker’s Grille) and Loop Road (Wegmans), and on State Street. They are also in the lower level of the City Parking Garage, and in the Dill & Seminary Street lots. Kiosks are dark green with a blue “P” on the side. Meter attendants are on duty and enforce parking Monday – Saturday 9AM – 5PM. For further questions contact City staff, or staff at Auburn Downtown BID 315.252-7874, or visit us at 25 South Street.
Kiosk Instructions
Deposit money to cover the desired amount of time ($0.25 minimum). Press the big green button to print your receipt. Retrieve receipt from the lower slot behind the plastic shield. The receipt indicates the time when your parking term expires. Place the receipt inside on the driver’s side dashboard face-up so it’s clearly visible.
Please note you can pay at any kiosk to park anywhere. The kiosks in the Dill & Seminary Street lots make it easy to drive up & pay. You can use those receipts to park in any on-street space, including metered spots. If there’s time left on your receipt, you can move to another location until your time expires.
Long Term 2+ Hour Parking
The Parking Garage, on Loop Road, offers convenient covered parking in the center of downtown, adjacent to Auburn Public Theater.
The garage is located on Lincoln Street in between the Exchange Street Plaza and William Street across from the Equal Rights Heritage Center. The garage is open 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Stairs are located in the middle and at either end, and there’s an elevator in the middle. The garage is also equipped with electric car charging stations.
Please see the Parking Garage Rate Sheet for fees. Questions, comments, or concerns about the Downtown Parking Garage can be referred to the Superintendent of Public Works, Mike Talbot, at 315.253-9554.