This summer, the Rev Theatre Company will tour The Golden Goose! Based on the classic Brothers' Grimm story, The Golden Goose follows young Hans, an inexperienced woodcutter trying to support his family. When Hans shows kindness to an injured old man in the woods, he is given the reward of a golden goose! Hans ventures into the kingdom in search of the old man to thank him. Along the way he meets several townspeople, and […]
Registration is Now Open for 2021 Virtual Camp Healing Hearts Hospice of Central New York and Hospice of the Finger Lakes Camp Healing Hearts will be held virtually again this year during the month of August. Each week connects to the themes we typically have each day at our in-person Camp: Telling Your Story, Feelings and Coping, Commemorating and Remembering, and ending with Hope and Moving Onward. Children entering grades one through six who have […]
The movie was a global phenomenon and the musical is just as good! With its Oscar-nominated score, Footloose celebrates the exhilaration of youth, the strength of community, and the power of forgiveness. Kick off your Sunday shoes and get ready to dance in the aisles! A family feel-good show for everyone!
Join us for our August First Friday Event! We will be hosting multi-instrumentalist Kevin Dorsey in our gardens with art by Sally Stormon in our gift shop. Two rooms in the Museum will be open for interpretation and refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
John Denver’s songbook comes alive in this nostalgic and beautiful tribute to the man and his love of Mother Earth. John Denver emerged onto the ’60s folk scene, climbed to ’70s superstardom and enjoyed a blazing career throughout the ’80s and ‘90s. This nostalgic musical tribute features Denver’s greatest hits such as “Country Roads,” “Rocky Mountain High,” “Annie’s Song,” “Leavin’ On A Jet Plane” and many more. Denver was a humanitarian, activist and even poet […]
The Cayuga County Vietnam Veterans Chapter 704 is partnering with Cayuga Community College and the Cayuga County Community College Foundation to bring a premier veterans memorial to Auburn. As part of a national tour, the Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit will be displayed at Cayuga Community College’s Auburn Campus on Monday, August 9. The exhibit is free and open to the public from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The unique, 1,500-square-foot mobile museum is designed […]
From one historic house museum to another! Join Tudor Place Historic House & Garden, home to six generations of the Peter family and located in Washington, DC, for a virtual presentation highlighting the history of the family, home, and enslaved and free people who lived and worked there from 1805 until 1983. The estate’s first owners were Martha Custis Peter and Thomas Peter. Martha Custis was born at Mount Vernon, the granddaughter of Martha Washington and […]
The Cayuga County Chamber has introduced a new benefit to chamber members and Moscato & Associates is assisting the Chamber implementing the TOTAL Wellness Program. Moscato is also hosting a Lunch and Learn at the Chamber in the conference room. Space is limited due to Covid protocols. Make sure to register.
Our annual Hospice Golf Tournament is going to look a little different this year, but we are so excited for this new opportunity to bring you fun and philanthropy safely in 2021, with our Hospice Fantasy Golf Open! For this year’s golf tournament, we will be pairing with TDJ Golf, a leading fantasy golf app! Each golfer will purchase a ticket to enter the fantasy golf tournament via our GiveSmart webpage and will compete against […]
Creatives! Are you struggling to get accurate pricing on your art? The key is in creating an effective Cost of Goods Sold model. Join us for this workshop, either virtual or in person. Seats are limited for in person. To register, email Meg Goloub, Business Development Specialist -
On August 27th, join us for "Live at The Vista" with The Ende Brothers and the Loca Moto Food Truck for some incredible live tunes and famous Southwestern dishes! Entertainment and food run from 6-9pm.
On September 3rd, join us for "Live at The Vista" with Sam Swanson and the Silo Food Truck for some incredible live tunes and famous fried chicken! Entertainment and food run from 6-9pm.