September 2019 Educational Resources Update
Leadership Cayuga
Orientation – Once again this year we took the incoming Class of 2020 to the Presbyterian Event and Retreat Center (formally known at the Case Mansion) for a full day Orientation. This new class of twenty-two engaged community members took the task of “getting to know” each other seriously and got right to work. We learned about best networking practices, heard about lessons in leadership, gained practical public speaking skills and learned to see the community with new eyes. All while being absolutely treated to a home cooked breakfast AND lunch by Rev. Banu Moore.

Day two of Orientation Weekend brought is to the beautiful campus of Wells College in Aurora. We heard 10,000 years of history in 7 minutes from Aurora Historian Linda ____, learned about the history of Wells College and it’s commitment to Sustatainability from Marian Brown and then got right into exploring our personality types with Kevin Miles of Wells College.
Fundraiser for the Leadership Cayuga Scholarship Fund – Beginning October 1st and going through the end of 2019, the Hilton Garden Inn of Auburn’s Pub for Purpose Tuesday evening 50% of the proceeds will be going to the Leadership Cayuga scholarship fund. So drop down on any Tuesday in October, November or December for your purchase to go towards this important fund. Also mark your calendars for Tuesday November 19th– we’re planning an alumni gathering at the Hilton that evening with LIVE entertainment and we’d love to see YOU there!
Finger Lakes Grant Information Center
The Finger Lakes Grant Information Center is open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5pm to use the Foundation Directory Online Grant database. This database gives your access to over 100,000 foundations from across the country that could possibly help fund your organization. New users need an orientation to the software, call 315-252-7291 to set that up.
Foundation Friday September 27th – 9am – Introduction to Finding Grants – This introductory webinar you will learn the 10 most important things non-profits need to know about finding grants. Register Today at:
Board Bootcamp October 4th – 9am-11am – $15 members of Human Services Coalition or Cayuga County Chamber or $25 non-members – In this workshop, you will: Understand the fundamentals of effective board governance; Learn 10 roles and responsibilities of a board; Hear about leading practices on governance and leadership; Participate in a round table discussion of governance strategies and successes. Register and Learn more at:
3rd Annual Nonprofit Summit – The 21st Century Nonprofit – October 18th 9am-3:30pm – $50/ticket (includes lunch and conference materials) at Cayuga Community College – Today’s non-profits continue to evolve to meet the challenges and changes of an ever-changing landscape. Come network with your colleagues as we examine new ways to look at our organizations, ensure a solid financial picture and remain meaningful to our donors and volunteers. End the day with a session focused on re-energizing one’s self. Register Here:
Educational Seminars
The Chamber Educational Seminars are free for all Chamber members and a great way to access professional level training for your employees. Have an idea for an upcoming Educational Seminar? Reach out to Jessica at or 315-252-7291
Educational Seminar: Recognizing Substance Use in the Workplace – October 8th – 10am
In this seminar you’ll learn: Increased awareness of the impact of drug and alcohol use on the workplace. Increased understanding of types of drugs and the addiction model. Increased competency around recognizing and addressing the impaired employee.
This seminar is for you if you’re in human resources, a manager or even owner of the company. We’ll focus on how to identify and how to address employee substance abuse from an HR perspective.
You’ll also learn more about the OASAS Recovery Tax Credit and how it can help your business.
Presented By: Steven Jobson, Training Coordinator, HelpPeople EAP
OASAS Presented By: Julia Fesko, OASAS Trainer, NYS
Register Here:
Marketing Monday – The Do’s and Don’ts of Content Creation – October 21st 9am – What is Content Creation and how can you find your brand’s “voice” on Social Media? Understanding of what is allowed with platform Terms of Service and what could get your account in trouble. Re-think social media and how to make it work for your business. Engage with followers and grow your following organically with original content. Creating a marketing plan that includes social media that won’t get you frazzled.
Presented By: Cathy Tripiciano, Maple Seed Creative
Register Here: