Winter Break Youth Cafe Camp

- This event has passed. Check back for the future dates.
Octane Social House is excited to announce our first annual Winter Break Youth Cafe Camp! The camp will run from 10 AM to 2 PM Tuesday, February 22nd through Friday, the 25th, $25/day or $90 for the week includes food, drinks, and daily activities to include:
– Tuesday (22nd): Record Painting & Clock Making
– Wednesday (23rd): Vision Boarding with Crystal Clear Life Coaching
– Thursday (24th): Cookie Making & Coffee Roasting
– Friday (25th): Pizza Making and Hot Cocoa Bar
– Wednesday (23rd): Vision Boarding with Crystal Clear Life Coaching
– Thursday (24th): Cookie Making & Coffee Roasting
– Friday (25th): Pizza Making and Hot Cocoa Bar
Each day, attendees will have time to sing Karaoke and play our Giant Jenga, Board Games, Card Games, and Video Games. We will have local author and artist visits during the week as well as provide free Wi-Fi and quiet space for school-required winter break reading or studying.
To sign up, please provide payment at:… and BE SURE to add your child’s name and dates of attendance in the “Write a note (Optional)” section of the PayPal form. Thank you.