Voices on the Underground Railroad

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Cornell University Professor Gerard Aching will present on his research and coordination of the Underground Railroad Research Project, which highlights the extensive roots of the network in Central New York, Western New York, and the Finger Lakes Region. The presentation will feature a discussion on the newly launched Voices on the Underground Railroad website, a collection of short narratives that Cornell University students have written and mapped onto documented and rumored underground railroad stations and safe houses in Central and Western New York, including the Seward House Museum.


This event is free, although donations to the Cayuga Museums will be greatly appreciated. Reservations are strongly encouraged!

This event is funded in part with the NYS Equal Rights Heritage Center and the City of Auburn’s Historic and Cultural Sites Commission for the 2023 Juneteenth Celebration.

(Image of Gerard Aching)

Cost: Free
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The Carriage House Theater
203 Genesee St.
Auburn, NY 13021 United States
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