NUNSENSE – The habit-forming musical comedy!

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Ha-Ha-Ha-lleluia! Nunsense is on its way!
The Auburn Players present
June 7 & 8 at 7:30pm and Sunday, June 9 at 2:00pm
Auburn Public Theater – Downtown -Auburn
The Auburn Players Community Theatre is pleased to announce the talented cast for its upcoming production of Nunsense, a musical comedy written by Dan Goggin. Performances will take place at Auburn Public Theater in Downtown Auburn on June 7 & 8 at 7:30pm, and Sunday, June 9 at 2 pm.
The talented cast includes Debbi Kruszewski-Warner as Reverand Mother, Michaela Oney as Sister Hubert, Michele Chisholm as Sister Robert Anne, Holly Maltese as Sister Mary Amnesia, and Fiona Chisholm as Sister Leo.
Nunsense follows the five surviving members of Little Sisters of Hoboken as they try to raise money to bury Sisters accidently poisoned by the convent cook, Sister Julia (Child of God). The Sisters take over a high school auditorium to mount a variety show that includes outrageous songs, dancing and an audience quiz.
Nunsense is directed by Bob Frame with musical direction by Michael (Mickey) Kringer. They lead a talented artistic team including Ben Kringer as Accompanist/Conductor, Nikkia Borowski and Pasqua as Co-choreographers, Navros Dabu as Set Designer, Rob Fragoman as Light Designer, Teri Fox as Props Master, Melissa Panek as Stage Manager, and Ann Frame as Producer.
Ticket prices are $20 General Admission and $15 Senior/Students and can be purchased at