Meet Author Elaine Meyers at Willard Memorial Chapel

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Author Elaine Meyers is coming to Willard Memorial Chapel, ‘The Tiffany Treasure of the Finger Lakes’, to give a presentation on her book Iron Pants.
Elaine’s writing began in 2015 with research to uncover more of her mother’s story. She will discuss this research, development of character, advice from author Anthony Doerr, and the changes of voice in the writing and re-writing of the book. She will read sections from the book and talk about the importance of story in her life, Iron Pants and in everyone’s family. She will end with a Q and A session.
The event benefits the Community Preservation Committee’s care of the Willard Memorial Chapel. Admission is $10 per person at the door. The Chapel is handicap accessible through its north entrance off Seymour Street. Tickets may be purchased at Willard Chapel, 17 Nelson Street, Auburn, NY during our regular hours Wednesday -Friday 10am-4pm or call 315-252-0339.
About the book:
Iron was in her blood and made her orphan strong. No one could take her family without a battle. When her mother died, Josephine heard a new voice. She called this voice Iron Pants.
Set in rural Appalachia, the Duke sisters are orphaned when tuberculosis takes their mother’s life. When adults separate the sisters, two for adoption and two for an orphanage, ten-year-old Josephine finds her Iron Pants. Using her newfound strength and storytelling ability, she transforms the lives of an Asheville doctor and his wife before reuniting with her sisters in the orphanage. A unique orphanage experience awaits the four sisters who encounter brilliant teachers and staff who understand the importance of an education that builds family, strength, and knowledge.
The story is enhanced by the voices of an adult Josephine and her daughter, who reflect on the wars, education, healthcare and poverty experienced by the family between the two World Wars.
About the Author:
Elaine Piatt Meyers was born in Washington D.C. and lived in Maryland from 1948 to 1987 when she moved to Phoenix Arizona. Her library work began in 1974 at the Carroll County Public Library in Maryland and continued at the Phoenix Public Library in Arizona, Urban Library Council in Illinois, and with consulting in Arizona and New York. Elaine has worked with books and stories as a librarian, storyteller, and writer. In 2022, her first book, Iron Pants, was published. Elaine lives in King Ferry, New York with her husband Tom and continues to tell stories and share books with her four granddaughters and local students. Iron Pants is a fictionalized account of her mother’s life.