Kinship Connections: Caregiver Support

- This event has passed. Check back for the future dates.
East Hill Inner Wellness will host Kinship Connections from 5 pm – 6 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month starting January 15. This support group will be held at East Hill Medical Center, 144 Genesee Street, 2nd Floor. There is no cost to participate and childcare is available with advanced notice by calling 315-253-8477 Prompt 6. More and more, non-parental caregivers are serving as surrogate parents for children other than their own, usually in response to family crises and other social issues. Raising a child unexpectedly impacts every aspect of a caregiver’s life. As a result, non-parental caregivers face many challenges. This group is designed to support the physical and mental health of non-parental caregivers through education, development of coping strategies, peer support and connection, addressing caregiver fatigue, and helping to access resources and services.
East Hill Inner Wellness will host Kinship Connections from 5 pm – 6 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month starting January 15. This support group will be held at East Hill Medical Center, 144 Genesee Street, 2nd Floor. There is no cost to participate and childcare is available with advanced notice by calling 315-253-8477 Prompt 6. More and more, non-parental caregivers are serving as surrogate parents for children other than their own, usually in response to family crises and other social issues. Raising a child unexpectedly impacts every aspect of a caregiver’s life. As a result, non-parental caregivers face many challenges. This group is designed to support the physical and mental health of non-parental caregivers through education, development of coping strategies, peer support and connection, addressing caregiver fatigue, and helping to access resources and services.
East Hill Inner Wellness will host Kinship Connections from 5 pm – 6 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month starting January 15. This support group will be held at East Hill Medical Center, 144 Genesee Street, 2nd Floor. There is no cost to participate and childcare is available with advanced notice by calling 315-253-8477 Prompt 6. More and more, non-parental caregivers are serving as surrogate parents for children other than their own, usually in response to family crises and other social issues. Raising a child unexpectedly impacts every aspect of a caregiver’s life. As a result, non-parental caregivers face many challenges. This group is designed to support the physical and mental health of non-parental caregivers through education, development of coping strategies, peer support and connection, addressing caregiver fatigue, and helping to access resources and services.
East Hill Inner Wellness will host Kinship Connections from 5 pm – 6 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month starting January 15. This support group will be held at East Hill Medical Center, 144 Genesee Street, 2nd Floor. There is no cost to participate and childcare is available with advanced notice by calling 315-253-8477 Prompt 6. More and more, non-parental caregivers are serving as surrogate parents for children other than their own, usually in response to family crises and other social issues. Raising a child unexpectedly impacts every aspect of a caregiver’s life. As a result, non-parental caregivers face many challenges. This group is designed to support the physical and mental health of non-parental caregivers through education, development of coping strategies, peer support and connection, addressing caregiver fatigue, and helping to access resources and services.
East Hill Inner Wellness will host Kinship Connections from 5 pm – 6 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month starting January 15. This support group will be held at East Hill Medical Center, 144 Genesee Street, 2nd Floor. There is no cost to participate and childcare is available with advanced notice by calling 315-253-8477 Prompt 6. More and more, non-parental caregivers are serving as surrogate parents for children other than their own, usually in response to family crises and other social issues. Raising a child unexpectedly impacts every aspect of a caregiver’s life. As a result, non-parental caregivers face many challenges. This group is designed to support the physical and mental health of non-parental caregivers through education, development of coping strategies, peer support and connection, addressing caregiver fatigue, and helping to access resources and services.
East Hill Inner Wellness will host Kinship Connections from 5 pm – 6 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month starting January 15. This support group will be held at East Hill Medical Center, 144 Genesee Street, 2nd Floor. There is no cost to participate and childcare is available with advanced notice by calling 315-253-8477 Prompt 6. More and more, non-parental caregivers are serving as surrogate parents for children other than their own, usually in response to family crises and other social issues. Raising a child unexpectedly impacts every aspect of a caregiver’s life. As a result, non-parental caregivers face many challenges. This group is designed to support the physical and mental health of non-parental caregivers through education, development of coping strategies, peer support and connection, addressing caregiver fatigue, and helping to access resources and services.