CNY Health Hub: Know Your Numbers

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Presenter: Merlin Marrain-Jackson, Chronic Disease Program Coordinator at Cayuga Community Health Network
This interactive webinar will look at the various numbers associated with health. Join this discussion-based session to learn how to “know your numbers!”
How does an individual know if they’re in good health? Their primary care doctor might tell them that their blood pressure is “good” but what does good mean? Blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, BMI, and waist circumference are all examples of health indicators.
After this session participants will be able to do the following:
-Advocate for themselves and keep track of their numbers.
-Be able to explain why these numbers matter and their associated diseases
-Know what their numbers mean and how to make changes to improve health outcomes.
About the presenter: Merlin Marrain has 20+ years of experience in hospital and community settings, with hands-on work across diverse communities with varying health needs. She has supervised NYS and federally funded programs, worked with community agencies, churches and hospitals, hosted health expos and health screenings and lectured on a variety of healthcare topics. An alumna of the University of West Indies (BS Specializing in Nutrition & Dietetics’) and Grand Canyon University (MPH) and a graduate fellow of the Health Foundation of Western and Central NY. She most recently served as the Education Coordinator at CNY Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Alliance. She is also a Certified Lactation Counselor & Nutrition Coach, Doula & Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Coach.