Cayuga Museum: First Friday

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Welcome to First Fridays at the Cayuga Museum! On the First Friday of each month, March-December, enjoy free admission to the Cayuga Museum from 5-7:30 PM. Have some complimentary refreshments, explore regularly changing exhibits, and see something new every time you visit us each month!

Enjoy a one time only pop-up exhibit featuring the uniform of Civil War surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Fordyce. Our friends from the Frontenac Historical Society will be onsite to answer questions about the piece and highlight the stories it tells about the community of Union Springs!

There will be no STEAMLab activity during this First Friday.

Cost: Free
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Cayuga Museum of History & Art
203 Genesee Street
Auburn, NY 13021 United States
+ Google Map
(315) 253-8051

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