A Fashion Drawing Studio

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Have you ever dreamed of being a fashion designer? Join us to learn the basics of fashion drawing using the historic dresses on display at the Cayuga Museum. Illustrator and Syracuse University Fashion Design professor Dee Densmore Finkenstadt will lead a hands-on workshop to guide you through the creative process. 

Registration is free, but donations are gratefully accepted. Reservations are required as capacity is limited. Participants should bring their own sketchbook, but all other supplies will be provided. This workshop will take place in the galleries of the Cayuga Museum.

This project is made possible with support provided by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State legislature.

[Sketching image credit: Syracuse University Fashion Design Program, School of Visual and Performing Arts]

Cost: Free
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Cayuga Museum of History & Art
203 Genesee Street
Auburn, NY 13021 United States
+ Google Map
(315) 253-8051

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