A Concert with Dusty, Jude, and Tatumn Pascal

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Dusty Pas’cal Singer-songwriter albums are excellent for trips into the human psyche—not just of the artist, but also of ourselves. Dusty Pas’cal’s sincere, warm and honest songwriting communicates effectively through brutal, yet beautifully transparent lyrics and instrumentation that varies from stark guitar to layers of bass, drums, fiddle, piano, pedal steel, additional vocals and more. Pas’cal is a faithful student of the greats he covers, from Kris Kristofferson and Bob Dylan. His wisdom, perhaps partially gained as a husband and the father of five, is apparent in his songs. The lyrics communicate the ideas with openness that allows interpretation. “When it comes right down to it, the honesty’s the key [and] when you own and run a business, and have a wife and five kids to watch over, there just isn’t time for any bullshit”. From music to family, to work, that’s the essence of Dusty Pas’cal. His first two studio albums, Home (2006) and More (2008) have garnered fantastic attention in Central New York and across the nation. Dusty’s live record, Brother John (2009), recorded at an intimate theater performance in Syracuse, is an extraordinary representation of his charismatic live presence. Connecting with his audience is Pascal’s greatest attribute. For his latest album, Human Heart (2016), Pas’cal lined up some of the area’s best musicians for this album, including Nick Piccininni, Loren Barrigar, John Dancks, Greg Hoover and John Hannis, and Amanda Rogers, and also notes Subcat Studios engineers Jon Lessels and Jeremy Johnston’s important contributions. Each song is a gem, from the ear-perking poetic lyrics of “Sundried Heart” to the powerful climax of “40 Mile”.
Tatumn and Jude Pascal are two of Dusty’s five children and attend Skaneateles High School. Following in their dad’s footsteps, they are both talented musicians in their own right and have just started making their debut on the Central New York music scene.