2022 Chamber Cup Golf Tournament

- This event has passed. Check back for the future dates.
Registration is NOW OPEN for the 29th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament at Dutch Hollow Country Club on Friday, June 24th.
Open to teams of four players each, the Annual Chamber Cup Golf Tournament proceeds in the Captain and Crew format. The collegial and sometimes competitive event includes such games as the Longest Drive, Skins, Closest to the Pin, and the Hole in One. The winning team receives the prestigious “Chamber Cup”. Sponsorship Opportunities available, contact us at the Chamber or click here for more information.
Captains MUST register a team of four on the form to complete registration for this tournament. Your $420 per foursome fee includes golf with cart, lunch on the course and a dinner.
THE REGISTRATION TABLE OPENS AT 9:00 AM (You MUST check your team in at the registration desk)
Register your crew today, and see you all on the green!