2022 Bob Brower Scientific Symposium

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2022 Bob Brower Scientific Symposium
in “plain English”
Human Factors Affecting Water Quality in Owasco Lake
March 19, 2022, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM via Zoom
Pre-register to participate remotely.
Status of Owasco Lake; Dr. John Halfman, Professor of
Environmental Studies, Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Salinization of Adirondack Waters by Road Salt: A Statewide Issue; Dr. Dan Kelting, Director, Adirondack Watershed Institute, Paul’s Smith’s College
Our Owasco: Using Behavioral Science to Protect Owasco Lake; Dr. John Pickering (CEO) and Toneya McIntosh, Behavioral Scientists, Evidn, an applied behavioral science company
Lake Water Level Management – Owasco Lake; Seth Jensen, Director of Municipal Utilities, Auburn, NY, NYS Professional Engineer
Hemlock Management in the Owasco Lake Watershed: Short and Long
Term Solutions; Caroline (Carri) Marschner, Invasive Species Extension Associate,
New York State Hemlock