Mike Powell Live

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Mike Powell Live
Presented by Auburn Public Theater & Sponsored by Mr. Mills Enterprises,Inc
A natural born storyteller with stage presence that’s best described as “real.” His spontaneous nature and extreme comfort behind a microphone creates a vibe that engages audiences in a way that only authenticity can. His songs are filled with powerful imagery and thought provoking themes but a Powell performance is much more than just a concert – it’s an exploration into the human heart. Seamlessly weaving hilarious tales of everyday life with heartbreaking songs of tragedy, loss & blue collar hardship. Pulling from his catalog of over 200 original songs and accompanied by his musical companion of over 15 years, multi-instrumentalist John Hanus, they have become one of the “must see” acts in Central New York.

Cost: $25
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Auburn Public Theater
8 Exchange
Auburn, NY 13021 United States
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